Self Assessment

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

DeCYFIR Threat Visibility and Cyber-Intelligence Platform and DeTCT Digital Risk Discovery POWERED BY AWS

DeCYFIR Threat Visibility and Cyber-Intelligence Platform

DeCYFIR arms you with deep insights into your external threat landscape so you will never be caught off-guard. Receive personalized cyber-intelligence where light is shed on hacking groups, motives, targets, campaigns, and methods. With insights personalized just for you, you are now equipped with intel to fight the battle against unseen cyber adversaries.

DeTCT Digital Risk Protection Platform

DeTCT helps you uncover your attack surfaces, know your vulnerabilities, and quickly gain awareness of any data breach or leak. DeTCT protects your brand and reputation by unraveling any copyright infringement, executive impersonation, lookalike social media profiles and much more.



Identify "doors" and "windows" into the organization

Business Outcome: Real-time continuous monitoring to identify shadow IT or porous systems which can be accessed by cybercriminals. Awareness of the attack surface will allow you to conduct a realistic cost-benefit analysis of each asset and decide how to shrink your attack surface.



Keys to ‘doors’ and ‘windows’ that are available for cyber criminals to exploit

Business Outcome: Vulnerabilities are mapped to assets and associated exploits and ranked based on criticality. This allows the business to optimize resources to focus on the most important and urgent gaps.



Know when your brand is under attack

Business Outcome: Understand who, why and how your brand is being targeted, get a complete view of brand infringement. Protect the brand and retain customer loyalty by ensuring it is not being tarnished by corporate espionage, insider threats or other malicious bad actors.



Clarity on digital profile, data leaks, breaches, and impersonations

Business Outcome: Unveil digital footprints and cases of impersonation and data leaks. Get near real-time alert on your data leaked in the wild. With this knowledge, you can plug the gap and avert any further reputation and financial damage.



Gain control of evolving threat landscape by understanding emerging threats, mitigations and potential attack scenarios

Business Outcome: Quick view of cyberattack, incident and breach taking place in your industry, the technology you use, and the geography you operate in. These insights and impact can guide important business decision including cyber investment.



Predictive, personalized, multi-layered, contextualised intelligence dissects a cyberattack campaign to answer WHO, WHY, WHAT, WHEN, HOW of a cyberattack campaign in the making

Business Outcome: Get complete view and insights to your external threat landscape. Keep the enemy at bay, receive early warning to fend off cyberattacks to avoid disruption that could threaten business.


CYFIRMA - powered by AWS

CYFIRMA has achieved Foundation Technical Certification with Amazon Web Services (AWS), validating our commitment towards innovation, improving data availability and enhancing customer experience. We work closely with AWS to build powerful and seamless integrations that allow business leaders and cybersecurity professionals to accelerate their digitalization efforts with solid security considerations at the core.

AWS provides both business and technical advantages that enable CYFIRMA to scale rapidly, serve a global market and ultimately provide quality cyber-intelligence and digital risk protection for businesses of all sizes.


DeCYFIR and DeTCT are built upon an AWS foundation consisting of Elastic Container Service(ECS), Simple Cloud Storage (S3) and Relational Database Service (RDS) which support rapid development so that the platforms can process billions of events collected to deliver personalized insights to each and every customer.


With AWS, the platforms can ingest data at ultrafast speed, and algorithms work in tandem with probability models to provide real-time status view of clients’ external threat landscape and early warnings of impending attacks.


AWS’s best-in-class compute and storage infrastructure ensures CYFIRMA’s clients are assured of the highest computing availability with persistent storage volumes so that DeCYFIR and DeTCT are always available 24/7.