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CIO TECH ASIA – Claims Lazarus Group planning COVID 19-related phishing campaign

Published On : 2020-06-21
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CIO TECH ASIA – Claims Lazarus Group planning COVID 19-related phishing campaign



NK operatives might be planning global cyber-attacks including several Asian countries.

Threat intelligence and cybersecurity platform company, CYFIRMA believes the Lazarus Group — hacker group sponsored by North Korea – are planning a global phishing campaign.

There is a common thread across six targeted nations in multiple continents – the governments of these countries have announced significant fiscal support to individuals and businesses in their effort to stabilise their pandemic-ravaged economies.

The following are some of the government-funded programs:

Singapore, a small nation-state in Southeast Asia, has announced almost SGD 100B financial aid in various forms to stem unemployment and keep businesses afloat

> Japan has announced stimulus funds of about 234 trillion yen

> South Korea government has allocated a total of US$200B of emergency relief funds for industries including carmakers, telecoms, airlines, shipbuilders, and small merchants. The relief funds include cash handouts to families with certain provinces extending the support to tax-paying foreigners

> Indian government has announced Rs 20 lakh crore (US$307B) of credit, finance and collateral-free loans to micro, small and medium enterprises, as well as welfare packages for citizens

> North America has set aside trillions of dollars to design Economic Impact Payment or Stimulus Payments as well as Paycheck Protection Program to prop up its economy


Read more here.