Self Assessment

Threat Intelligence Management : Empowering Cyber Threat Intelligence for a Robust Security Landscape

Published On : 2019-06-11
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Threat Intelligence Management :  Empowering Cyber Threat Intelligence for a Robust Security Landscape

As part of this blog series, we are discussing the three subcategories of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). The primary focus here is to understand how threat data is collected, analysed and employed to enhance security at an organizational level.

In our last post we discussed Strategic Threat Intelligence.This post explains Management Intelligence as offered by CYFIRMA.

What is Management Intelligence?

Management intelligence allows the integration of insights on threat actor campaigns, attack mechanisms and tools, alongside internal processes like incident management process, change, configuration and release, and Patch management process.

Management intelligence enables the organizations to:

  • Implement reliable and effective decisions for security processes, policies, and response.
  • Assess the organization’s attack surface, threat, and vulnerabilities.
  • Improve and maintain the efficacy of security controls.
  • Update the organization’s overall risk register, including risk prioritization.
  • Update information security compliance matrix based on threat actor profile, method, and activities.

Who is the target audience for Management Intelligence reports?

CISO, Security Managers and Cybersecurity leads, and CSIRT leader. Effectively, individuals who can push the deductions received from analysis and deep insights into the organization’s security framework.

Why source Management Intelligence from CYFIRMA?

Often, organizations are forced to accommodate incomplete data as the security tools they employ may not assign a risk or threat accurately without correlation from additional sources of information.

Additionally, where data is collected from multiple sources, the huge volume of information may overwhelm analysts, thereby making it difficult to translate insights into actions. CYFIRMA’s management intelligence allows for the merging of data from multiple sources, followed by automated analysis to draw actionable insights. Thus, organizations can arrange risk on a prioritization scale, selectively deploying organizational resources to detect, prevent and remediate potential threats.

Suggested Reading: Cyber Intelligence Analytics Platform (CAP) from CYFIRMA, the most intuitive, and responsive threat intelligence management system for your money.

How can key decision makers ensure an organizational impact with management intelligence?

CYFIRMA advices that all threat intelligence themed activities undertaken by the organization are tuned for actionability. The leadership group can consult its specialists and invest in a threat intelligence management system to simplify the flow of cybersecurity related data through the organization, and simultaneously, educate its workforce against ignoring obvious red-flags raised after the analysis of such data, for example, CYFIRMA reports spear phishing campaign targeting specific organization and Security leader can use the intelligence to alert toward their employee.

Importantly, the key decision makers are responsible for funding the build-up of the ideal security landscape, one that best serves its specific cybersecurity use cases.

Listed below are some case-studies that further establish CYFIRMA’s proficiency as a robust aggregator of management intelligence.

Case Study 1:

CYFIRMA’s Management Intelligence helps a Large Japanese Corporation Draw the Maximum Productivity out of its Cyber Security and Risk Management team

Recently, a large Japanese corporation with footprint in the heavy industry, financial services, retail, food and beverage sectors contracted CYFIRMA to better understand cyber risks and mitigate them efficiently and effectively. CYFIRMA helped the organization’s Cyber Security and Risk Management team to understand threat actors’ profiles and risk to organization, leading to the Compliance matrix being made stricter related to the end user policy, alongside the updating of the incident reporting process.

Case Study 2:

CYFIRMA’s Management Intelligence Offering helps a US-based Financial Institution Update its Risk Register and Incident Management Routines

A large US-based financial institution with a sophisticated cyber threat center contracted CYFIRMA to streamline their risk identification and management procedures. CYFIRMA helped the organization’s risk management team to incorporate broader risk around cybersecurity issues, eventually resulting in the updating of the organization’s risk register and incident management plan.

Curious about what management intelligence can do for your own business?

Also, read our earlier post in this three part series on Strategic Threat Intelligence.

Stay tuned for our final post in this series addressing Tactical Threat Intelligence.